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Prepare Now (20230216)

Updated: Feb 15, 2023

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Note: Messages are updated in chronological order, so you can see all the postings related to this message.

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Updated 12:24 pm on 15 Feb 2023: WIND ADVISORY IS CANCELLED...Gusty winds are expected to slowly diminish through the afternoon and remain below advisory criteria. Southwest winds of 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 40 mph will still be possible through the afternoon hours. Continue taking the necessary precautions to prevent loose objects from blowing around.

Stay Weather Aware!

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Updated 7:30 am on 15 Feb 2023:

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF): Windy today (Wednesday), Severe Weather tomorrow (Thursday).

Wednesday: Expect strong winds through 4 pm today.

Thursday: Expect damaging winds Noon to 8 pm. Primary tornado threat window Noon to 8 pm. Potential for hail Noon to 5 pm.


Weather Graph: Forecasted weather impacts show today (Wednesday) and into Thursday.

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NWS ILN Wx Briefing Slides:


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(Initial Message 14 Feb 2023) As part of your Valentine's Day events, you may want to include preparing for the potential of severe weather starting late on Wednesday evening, but with more impacts during Thursday.

If you are in an area prone to frequent power outages, or are reliant on electrically powered medical devices, this is your Prepare Now message.

Key words SEVERE, POWER:

NWS OnePager as of 4:30 am on Tuesday, 14 Feb 2023:

Weather Graph Data showing late Wednesday and into Friday (dates circled at top):

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Is there a member of your household that has serious medical conditions and require an electrically powered medical device? Then you may want to look into the following programs from our area providers.

AES Program: (look under the Power outage FAQs questions for "I have special medical condition and rely on electricity to keep medical equipment running..."

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